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Providers And Teens Communicating for Health (PATCH) Program

An Evidence-Based Practice


The Wisconsin-based Providers and Teens Communicating for Health Program (PATCH), is an innovative, teen-driven educational program that strives to improve communication between health care providers and teens about sensitive health topics such as sexual health, mental health, alcohol and drug abuse, or safety; thereby improving the quality of care that the teens receive.

Goal / Mission

PATCH envisions a supportive environment in which all adolescents are able to reach optimal health, safety, and economic security.

MISSION: To improve adolescent health and well being by engaging, educating, and empowering youth and adults as trusted partners in care.


Health care providers and teens who participate in the PATCH program show significant improvements in knowledge, self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions to seek and provide quality sexual health care.

Results / Accomplishments

The Wisconsin Medical Journal recently published research demonstrating that participating providers and teens experienced significant improvements in knowledge, self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions to seek and provide quality sexual health care. The PATCH program is planning to expand throughout Wisconsin and is working toward replication nationwide.

The power of PATCH comes from the Teen Educators. They become empowered to be advocates on health care issues. They learn to train adults, and not just any adults, but doctors and nurses. The PATCH program sees these skills [not only] getting the results we want in the workshops, but also affecting the rest of their lives. The Teen Educators become natural advocates for their peers and in our community. They have spoken out on other issues such as bullying. PATCH isn't just improving health outcomes for the next generation, they're also creating advocates for the next generation.

About this Promising Practice

Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health
Primary Contact
Amy Olejniczak
PO Box 1726
Madison, WI 53701
Health / Adolescent Health
Health / Alcohol & Drug Use
Health / Health Care Access & Quality
Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health
Date of publication
Oct 2015
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience
Submitted By
Chelsea Aeschbach
Healthy North Texas
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